Embedded Systems Services
Board Support Packages, Device Drivers & System Software Development
"Where software meets hardware"
Our engineers are experts in BSP and device driver development. They have honed their skills through years of designing, developing and teaching others the art of BSP and device driver development.
We believe that system software development requires specialized skills and approach: schedules are always short and the complexity of the environment and specifications are high. The extensive knowledge of hardware, operating system, low level diagnostic and performance tools that our engineers posses are at the heart of our craftsmanship.
Our engineers are experienced in:
- Boot-up services
- Firmware and diagnostics
- Device drivers and interrupt routines
- Complex BSP packages
- Logical and physical drivers supporting various layers of protocol stacks for embedded applications in communications / multimedia
- Feature enhancements for existing systems
- Design and interoperability testing, test automation for existing platforms
- Software for reference boards
- Development of BSP software for reference boards
- Enhancement of BSP software for specific boards
- Customized API development for specific customer needs
- Development of software to manage buffers, IRQs, process control blocks, timers and descriptors.
Request safety critical design services.
Request Embedded Systems Services Brochure
- ISO 9001
- IEC 61508
- EN 50128
- ISO 26262
- RTCA/DO-178B
- Defence Standard 00-55
- Defence Standard 00-56